

The Concept of the Republic

2023-07-03  阅读:4954  编辑:root

A republic, as opposed to a "monarchy". Also called "democratic republic", a country that practices Republic. Republic is the form of political power organization in which the state representative office or head of state is elected and has a certain term of office. Republic can adapt to different types of countries, but in countries with different class attributes, it has different class characteristics.

Slave countries such as ancient Greece and ancient Rome all practiced Republic; Although the Monarchy dominated under the feudal system, some urban countries, such as Venice and Genoa in Italy, also adopted the Republic system. The bourgeois Democratic republic was founded in the 16th century and widely implemented in the 18th century, and it is linked with the Parliamentary system and the universal suffrage system.

The Socialist state implement a Democratic republic that is compatible with the Dictatorship of the proletariat of the proletariat.
